Friday, October 24, 2008

Colors of light..!

Yet again, Diwali, festival of lights, crackers, candles, celebrations and carefulness.

A day we celebrate behalf of good, to its win
over the evil.

I wish my friends, relatives, well wishers and their family members, Happy Diwali.

Now, a word to spread. Its time to fight with evil, again.

Evil - Pollution.

I want to celebrate this Diwali, with colors of light, just with lights, so, no to crackers, no to plastic, no to candles.

Why can’t we try, this time, with lamps made of mud, oil instead candle, distribution of sweets instead of crackers?

Let us make this Diwali a 'festival of change' to save our culture, customs and climate.

I am starting to home tomorrow, 4 days of festival, food, fun, friends and joy.

be a change you want to see in the society
- Mvk.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

End of conflicts..!

You can take right decisions only if you have experience, you will get experience only when you take wrong decision

Recently – I took few decisions, which made me more responsible, more confident, stronger and charged up.

Did I succeed with those decisions?? . . . May be no, but, I got experienced.

Things, happened around and after 3rd week of August were great and equally painful.

There was a conflict between my mind and heart. Heart said, ‘Over look the things’, and, the Mind said, ‘if you do so, you are the looser’.

There was a conflict between my earning and learning. That was a conflict between my opportunities and my capabilities.

Capabilities proved, you were up to the IT (information technology) market, and, I got various offers.

Opportunities, yelled, “In future IT need experts, only experts, you be one among them, grab the learning opportunities”.

Finally I won the race, a race with the time, time of 2 months.

In these 2 months, I asked few well wishers to tell me what is correct, and what is wrong.

Finally I asked a guy, a very important guy, interesting guy, he asked me to write down my priorities, opportunities, requirements, and that leads to a decision.

Thanks to that guy, myself.

I respected, my opportunities to improve my capabilities, my heart convinced my mind, and my mind made it self ready for one more mission which was not impossible.

Thanks to all my friends, colleagues, managers, relatives and family for supporting me in this time. Now, I continued to be a 'WIPROITE'

At my diary.
- Mvk

Reflection # 1 - Sep 26th

Everything work when reset . This certainly applies to human & human relations as well. Managing Kids & their schedules, Managing f...