Sunday, September 26, 2010

count back

last week full moon days were amazing i enjoyed watching moon sitting in the park next to my home every night (what to call 12:30 am?) when i return home from office, one jet just crossed the big full moon with a long tail is the highlight ! unfortunately didn't capture.

i am counting my swiss days, i am going back happily as one more big moment is waiting for my arrival, every minute for the past 18 months i enjoyed, i could say i learnt two 's' swimming & SRM in 'S'wiss.

eagerly waiting for our current project success, it is good, great and amazing working like this, when some body asked me i said, "I want to work in Chinese and Japanese projects at least once in my whole carrier - Just want to see how much more hardworking they are?, than Indians".

Today is world heart day, do take care about your sweet little heart :)

Reflection # 1 - Sep 26th

Everything work when reset . This certainly applies to human & human relations as well. Managing Kids & their schedules, Managing f...